0.2.7 (2024-09-24)
Fix scipy.ndimage maximum filter error
Corrects Kuang et al. 2014 and Schiemann et al. 2009 methods
0.2.6 (2024-09-23)
Add expand_dims and squeeze to time dimensions of ‘run_jet_core_and_region_algorithm_on_one_day’ to fix manney_et_al_2011
0.2.4 (2024-09-23)
Fix scipy.ndimage depreciation warning
Change argmax to nanargmax
update max numpy version to 1.26 so ‘np.RankWarning’ still exists (in future prepare for np v2.0)
Make sure requirement files have same versions
0.2.3 (2024-05-10)
Add example of assigning units to plev in for docstrings in data_utils
Add step-security-bot and dependenabot for OSSF scorecard
Update dependencies and workflows
0.2.3-alpha (2024-04-08)
Add example of assigning units to plev in data_utils
0.2.2 (2024-03-15)
Overhaul Kuang et al. 2014 method to work with plev-lat center check rather than lat-long jet center check.
Use maximum filter from scipy ndimage for diagonal check from ‘find_local_maxima_in_2d_dataarray_with_diagonals’ used in M11 and K14
Also makes a change to Manney et al. 2011 method if using diagonal check (should not affect results as it was working before)
0.2.2-beta (2024-03-13)
Fix error when checking for plev units in data_utils
Reduce README content
0.2.1 (2023-12-01)
Update Manney et al. 2011 method to include ‘check_diagonals’ parameter
Update Manney et al. 2011 method to select maximum windspeed if no cores found above threshold
Add ‘slice_array_by_index_breaks’ to data utils
Update examples of use and quick start table in docs
Add check for plev units to data_utils
Update Archer & Calidera to more properly check for whether data plev coords are Pa or hPa.
Fix typos and clarify writing in docs
0.2.0 (2023-10-12)
Fix CI and Github actions
Finish overhaul the ReadTheDocs documentation in the package
Confirm completed and to verify metrics
Update Schiemann et al. 2009 method to run faster and introduce u_threshold parameter default
Add more complete inline ‘Steps’ to each metric in the package for readability.
Remove Screen & Simmonds and Local Wave Activity leftover code
Update Manney et al. 2011 further with padding to capture cores near the edge of dataset
0.1.7 (2023-10-10)
MAJOR: Rename to Barnes & Polvani 2014 and update tests and all mentions of
Update Cattiaux method to deal with Matplotlib depreciation warning about using ‘allsegs’ or ‘collections’ in contour plot
Add tests for new spatial utils method ‘seperate_one_contour_into_line_segments’
Add readthedocs.yml
0.1.7-beta (2023-10-05)
Rename to Barnes & Polvani 2014 and update tests and all mentions of
0.1.7-alpha (2023-09-19)
Update Cattiaux method to deal with Matplotlib depreciation warning about using ‘allsegs’ or ‘collections’ in contour plot
Add tests for new spatial utils method ‘seperate_one_contour_into_line_segments’
0.1.6 (2023-09-14)
- Overhaul the ReadTheDocs documentation in the package
Write a more detailed description of each metric
Add examples and implementation notes to each metric
Update listing in ‘details_for_all_metrics.py’
Update the ‘Why jsmetrics’ section with notes about what jets are and quick start help
Add some Examples of Use for each type of metric
Add ws_threshold parameter to Pena-Ortiz method
Rename Pena-Ortiz method to ‘pena_ortiz_et_al_2016’ (as earlier paper)
0.1.6-alpha (2023-08-19)
Fix Manney et al. 2011 implementation
Correct Manney 2011 method
Move old method to new metric: ‘jet_core_identification_algorithm’
Update docs for Manney 2011 and sub-components
0.1.5-beta (2023-08-16)
Update Schiemann method with new variable name (jet occurence), docstring and changes to sub-component function names
Add ws_threshold parameter to Schiemann
Update methods that work on one time unit of data and add squeeze method to properly deal if time not in dims
Add basic outline of jet core algorithm docstrings
0.1.5-alpha (2023-08-15)
Begin overhaul of ReadTheDocs documentation
Add notes and example to Koch et al. 2006 metric
Rename variable returned by K06 to jet_events_ws
0.1.4 (2023-08-02)
Add new metric to package: Zappa et al. 2018 (This method builds on Ceppi et al. 2018)
Raise KeyError if no time coordinate is passed to a given metrics
0.1.4-alpha (2023-07-21)
add KeyError raise if no time coordinate is passed to various metrics
0.1.3 (2023-07-07)
Add “method=’nearest’” to jet statistics and core algorithms for cases when coords cannot be represented within float precision range.
0.1.2 (2023-06-06)
Fix Barnes & Polvani 2013 to better deal when min max jet lat is at edge data
Add check for NoLeapDatetime
0.1.2-alpha (2023-05-27)
Add check for NoLeapDatetime
0.1.1 (2023-05-26)
Fix Woollings et al. 2010 and filter windows to use day timeunits for window to stop it removing too much data.
Add data util function to add number of days to 360Day Datetime type
0.1.1-beta (2023-04-07)
add parameter for Kerr et al. 2020
Add Ceppi et al jet speed adaptation from Screen et al. 2022
Add fix for sort_xarray_data_coords so it works when only one coord value in coordinate (i.e. so each metric can work when only one longitude)
Supress warning for quadratic func
0.1.1-alpha (2023-03-31)
Add fix for Kuang to run when there is no time dim
Add fix for BP15 to except errors where all nan data
Add warning for BS17 when more than 10 days resolution
0.1.0 (2023-01-22)
MAJOR UPDATE: re-organise the structure of the package into core, metrics and utils
rename jet statistics, waviness metrics and jet core algorithm files
add wrappers to check data is xarray and is sorted in descending order (in core/check_data.py)
move waviness metrics to new file
Update appropriate tests
0.0.19-alpha (2022-12-21)
Update JetStreamOccurenceAndCentreAlgorithm to skip longitude values outside lon range in data
Make changes to work with Shapely version 1.8/2.0. Means changes to Cattiaux et al. 2016
0.0.18 (2022-11-23)
update fitted parabola func for Barnes & Polvani 2015
Add Blackport & Fyfe 2022
update Barnes & Simpson 2017 to drop all NaN slices
update to check for more than one time step for time groupby methods
add test to check all metrics when input is one time step
0.0.17 (2022-11-13)
add try and except for Grise & Polvani 2017 to account for missing vals
0.0.16 (2022-11-09)
skipna=True for calc_latitude_and_speed_where_max_ws
Barnes and Simpson mean over longitude for jet lat
0.0.15 (2022-11-09)
rename max_lat_0.01 to jet_lat for Grise & Polvani 2017
Fix get_3_latitudes_and_speed_around_max_ws to work with isel around lon
Fix barnes polvani parabola to deal with nan values
0.0.14 (2022-11-09)
add plev mean to Bracegirdle
0.0.14-alpha (2022-10-25)
update Pena Ortiz so that it returns monthyear and by day local wind maxima
remove make_empty_local_wind_maxima_data func
Fix CI
Add millibars to get_all_hPa_list
0.0.13 (2022-10-19)
fix workflow for publish to PyPi and TestPyPi
0.0.12 (2022-10-19)
fix kuang to work for southern hemisphere as well
add workflow for publish to PyPi
0.0.12-alpha (2022-10-18)
Update calc_latitude_and_speed_where_max_ws to use numpy methods
Fix Barnes and Simpson 2017 method so it runs on each longitude
0.0.11 (2022-09-15)
Update and fix the JetStreamOccurenceAndCentreAlgorithm method for Kuang
Upload to Zenodo
0.0.10 (2022-08-21)
First release to pypi
Clean up rst docs
0.0.9 (2022-08-16)
Finish tests
Remove TODOs
Outline metric_verification notebooks
Improve docs
0.0.8 (2022-07-18)
Format the readme
seperate metrics into metrics and algorithms
Reorder and write better docstrings for the utils files
Update year on LICENSE
0.0.7-beta (2022-06-30)
swap ‘plev’ and ‘lat’ in manney_et_al_2011 method so that it groups cores better
rename ‘sinouisity’ to ‘sinuosity’
0.0.7-alpha (2022-06-10)
update spatial_utils with lazy method for guessing bounds and assuming a regular grid (func is “_standardise_diffs_by_making_all_most_common_diff”)
update Pena-Ortiz method to seperate into subtropical and polar front jet
remove prints from windspeed utils
rename bp13 jet lat
0.0.6 (2022-06-09)
add Barnes & Polvani 2015
add Kerr et al. 2020
add nearest method function to general utils
Speed up Ceppi and fix integration method within (still need to verify)
Add spatial utils for grid cell m2 method
0.0.6-beta (2022-05-31)
Fix ‘get_latitude_and_speed_where_max_ws_at_reduced_resolution’ with check for np.nans
0.0.6-alpha (2022-05-25)
add Barnes & Polvani 2013
Fix ‘get_latitude_and_speed_where_max_ws’ so it can take one value
Fix Barnes & Simpson 2017 and Woollings et al. 2010 and change name of col
Fix Barnes & Polvani neighbouring lats and speed
0.0.5 (2022-05-23)
add Barnes & Simpson 2017
Update ‘get_latitude_and_speed_where_max_ws’ function
Update calc_mass_weighted wind
Change the ‘get_latitude_and_speed_where_max_ws’ function to take abs() max -> will mean that negative u-wind values can be considered the jet lat
0.0.5-beta (2022-05-03)
update Woollings et al. 2010 with seasonal cycle
update metric details dict with ‘plev_units’ argument
fix archer and caldiera call to mass weighted ws (STILL TODO: better plev understanding)
0.0.5-alpha (2022-04-24)
add metric verification notebooks
0.0.4-beta (2022-02-09)
add description, name and DOI to metric details dict
0.0.4-alpha (2022-01-26)
remove Docker
remove get data scripts
0.0.3-gamma (2022-01-14)
remove python 3.6 compatibility
update environment yml (still broken)
0.0.3-beta (2022-01-14)
Use real part from fourier filter to Woollings and its tests
0.0.3-alpha (2022-01-14)
Remove main and experiment related files (moved to another directory so this one is cleaner)
0.0.2 (2022-01-10)
First release on github
0.0.2-beta (2022-01-10)
Add docstrings to all metrics and sub-components
0.0.2-alpha (2022-01-04)
Add docstrings to Archer & Calidera metric
0.0.1 (2022-01-04)
Allow jsmetric to call jetstream_metrics and utils
0.0.1-beta (2021-12-30)
Add currently existing metrics