# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Statistics and algorithms for determining the "waviness" of upper-level mean flow within a given
time window. These metrics only have meaning at an integrated global scale.
The following metrics each return a xarray.Dataset and are ordered by paper publish year.
# imports
import xarray
from . import waviness_metrics_components
from jsmetrics.utils import spatial_utils
from jsmetrics.core.check_data import sort_xarray_data_coords
# docs
__author__ = "Thomas Keel"
__email__ = "thomas.keel.18@ucl.ac.uk"
__status__ = "Development"
@sort_xarray_data_coords(coords=["lat", "lon"])
def francis_vavrus_2015(data):
This method calculates a waviness metric: Meridional Circulation Index (MCI) from u- and v-components of wind.
MCI is calculated as follows:
.. math::
MCI = \frac{v*|v|}{u^2+v^2}
When MCI = 0, the wind is purely zonal, and when MCI= 1 (-1), the flow is from the South (North).
This method was originally introduce in Francis & Vavrus (2015) https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/10/1/014005
and is described in the Section entitled: 'Meridional circulation Index (MCI)'.
Please see 'Notes' below for any additional information about the implementation of this method
to this package.
data : xarray.Dataset
Data which should containing the variables: 'ua' and 'va', and the coordinates: 'lon', 'lat', 'plev' and 'time'.
output : xarray.Dataset
Data containing the one output: 'mci'
In the original methodology, MCI is expressed in terms of seasonal anomaly, we show you how to do this in 'Examples'
.. code-block:: python
import jsmetrics
import xarray as xr
# Load in dataset with u and v components:
uv_data = xr.open_dataset('path_to_uv_data')
# Subset dataset to range used in original methodology (500 hPa & 20-80 N)):
uv_sub = uv_data.sel(plev=500, lat=slice(20, 80))
# Run statistic:
fv15 = jsmetrics.waviness_metrics.francis_vavrus_2015(uv_sub)
# Express MCI as a seasonal anomaly
fv15_seasonal_anomalies = (mci['mci'] - mci['mci'].groupby('time.season').mean())
# Step 1. calculating Meridional Circulation Index from data
data["mci"] = waviness_metrics_components.calc_meridional_circulation_index(data)
return data
@sort_xarray_data_coords(coords=["lat", "lon"])
def cattiaux_et_al_2016(data):
This method calculates a sinousity metric for upper-air flow using geopotential height.
The value of sinuosity is selected using an isohypse which precisely corresponds to the Z500 average over 30-70∘N .
Then this value is compared to the perimeter at 50∘N to calculate sinuosity.
This method was first introduce in Cattiaux et al (2016) https://doi.org/10.1002/2016GL070309 and
is described in section 3.1 of that study.
Please see 'Notes' below for any additional information about the implementation of this method
to this package.
data : xarray.Dataset
Data which should containing the variables: 'zg', and the coordinates: 'lon', 'lat', 'plev' and 'time'.
output : xarray.Dataset
Data containing the two outputs: 'sinousity' and 'zonal_mean_zg_30Nto70N'
The original implementation used the R package 'geosphere' to calculate sinuosity. Here we use the Python package
Shapely to calculate great circle distances between the two perimeters to calculate sinuosity.
**Moderately slow method:** currently takes a moderate amount of time i.e. 2 seconds per 100 time units\
with 1 plev on AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-core processor
.. code-block:: python
import jsmetrics
import xarray as xr
# Load in dataset with u and v components:
zg_data = xr.open_dataset('path_to_zg_data')
# Subset dataset to range used in original methodology (500 hPa & 00-90 N)):
zg_sub = zg_data.sel(plev=500, lat=slice(0, 90))
# Run statistic:
c16 = jsmetrics.waviness_metrics.cattiaux_et_al_2016(zg_sub)
# Check input is xarray.Dataset
if isinstance(data, xarray.DataArray):
data = data.to_dataset()
# Step 1. get zonal average for each timestep
if "time" not in data.coords:
raise KeyError("Please provide a time coordinate for data to run this metric")
if data["time"].size == 1:
data = data.expand_dims("time")
data["zonal_mean_zg_30Nto70N"] = (
data["zg"].sel(lat=slice(30, 70)).groupby("time").mean(...)
# Step 2. Get latitude circle of 50 N
circle_50N = spatial_utils.get_latitude_circle_linestring(50, 0, 360)
# Step 3. Loop over each time step and calculate sinuosity
if data["time"].size == 1:
# shrink dims again
data = data.isel(time=0)
output = waviness_metrics_components.get_sinuosity_of_zonal_mean_zg(
data, circle_50N
output = data.groupby("time", squeeze=False).map(
lambda row: waviness_metrics_components.get_sinuosity_of_zonal_mean_zg(
row, circle_50N
return output