Source code for jsmetrics.metrics.waviness_metrics

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    Statistics and algorithms for determining the "waviness" of upper-level mean flow within a given
    time window. These metrics only have meaning at an integrated global scale.

    The following metrics each return a xarray.Dataset and are ordered by paper publish year.

# imports
import xarray
from . import waviness_metrics_components
from jsmetrics.utils import spatial_utils
from jsmetrics.core.check_data import sort_xarray_data_coords

# docs
__author__ = "Thomas Keel"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Development"

[docs] @sort_xarray_data_coords(coords=["lat", "lon"]) def francis_vavrus_2015(data): r""" This method calculates a waviness metric: Meridional Circulation Index (MCI) from u- and v-components of wind. MCI is calculated as follows: .. math:: MCI = \frac{v*|v|}{u^2+v^2} When MCI = 0, the wind is purely zonal, and when MCI= 1 (-1), the flow is from the South (North). This method was originally introduce in Francis & Vavrus (2015) and is described in the Section entitled: 'Meridional circulation Index (MCI)'. Please see 'Notes' below for any additional information about the implementation of this method to this package. Parameters ---------- data : xarray.Dataset Data which should containing the variables: 'ua' and 'va', and the coordinates: 'lon', 'lat', 'plev' and 'time'. Returns ---------- output : xarray.Dataset Data containing the one output: 'mci' Notes ----- In the original methodology, MCI is expressed in terms of seasonal anomaly, we show you how to do this in 'Examples' Examples -------- .. code-block:: python import jsmetrics import xarray as xr # Load in dataset with u and v components: uv_data = xr.open_dataset('path_to_uv_data') # Subset dataset to range used in original methodology (500 hPa & 20-80 N)): uv_sub = uv_data.sel(plev=500, lat=slice(20, 80)) # Run statistic: fv15 = jsmetrics.waviness_metrics.francis_vavrus_2015(uv_sub) # Express MCI as a seasonal anomaly fv15_seasonal_anomalies = (mci['mci'] - mci['mci'].groupby('time.season').mean()) """ # Step 1. calculating Meridional Circulation Index from data data["mci"] = waviness_metrics_components.calc_meridional_circulation_index(data) return data
[docs] @sort_xarray_data_coords(coords=["lat", "lon"]) def cattiaux_et_al_2016(data): r""" This method calculates a sinousity metric for upper-air flow using geopotential height. The value of sinuosity is selected using an isohypse which precisely corresponds to the Z500 average over 30-70∘N . Then this value is compared to the perimeter at 50∘N to calculate sinuosity. This method was first introduce in Cattiaux et al (2016) and is described in section 3.1 of that study. Please see 'Notes' below for any additional information about the implementation of this method to this package. Parameters ---------- data : xarray.Dataset Data which should containing the variables: 'zg', and the coordinates: 'lon', 'lat', 'plev' and 'time'. Returns ---------- output : xarray.Dataset Data containing the two outputs: 'sinousity' and 'zonal_mean_zg_30Nto70N' Notes ----- The original implementation used the R package 'geosphere' to calculate sinuosity. Here we use the Python package Shapely to calculate great circle distances between the two perimeters to calculate sinuosity. **Moderately slow method:** currently takes a moderate amount of time i.e. 2 seconds per 100 time units\ with 1 plev on AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-core processor Examples -------- .. code-block:: python import jsmetrics import xarray as xr # Load in dataset with u and v components: zg_data = xr.open_dataset('path_to_zg_data') # Subset dataset to range used in original methodology (500 hPa & 00-90 N)): zg_sub = zg_data.sel(plev=500, lat=slice(0, 90)) # Run statistic: c16 = jsmetrics.waviness_metrics.cattiaux_et_al_2016(zg_sub) """ # Check input is xarray.Dataset if isinstance(data, xarray.DataArray): data = data.to_dataset() # Step 1. get zonal average for each timestep if "time" not in data.coords: raise KeyError("Please provide a time coordinate for data to run this metric") if data["time"].size == 1: data = data.expand_dims("time") data["zonal_mean_zg_30Nto70N"] = ( data["zg"].sel(lat=slice(30, 70)).groupby("time").mean(...) ) # Step 2. Get latitude circle of 50 N circle_50N = spatial_utils.get_latitude_circle_linestring(50, 0, 360) # Step 3. Loop over each time step and calculate sinuosity if data["time"].size == 1: # shrink dims again data = data.isel(time=0) output = waviness_metrics_components.get_sinuosity_of_zonal_mean_zg( data, circle_50N ) else: output = data.groupby("time", squeeze=False).map( lambda row: waviness_metrics_components.get_sinuosity_of_zonal_mean_zg( row, circle_50N ) ) return output